Virgin Trains Leadership Development Programme – Future Engage Deliver

We worked with Virgin Trains leadership team to develop and implement our award-winning Leadership Development Programme. Using our refined and successful Future-Engage-Deliver approach, we helped managers at all levels supercharge their leadership potential.
What the client said
Here’s some quotes from the Virgin Trains leadership development programme participants.
“I thought it was a really great leadership programme and very worthwhile.”
“It’s structured very well and gave me lots to think about, it was also a good idea to get Andy Cross to support as I found his insight very thought provoking during the early part of the day.”
“I found the Virgin Trains leadership development course really useful and thought provoking. It is the first time that I have been able to get some clarity around what Leadership skills really look like in reality and where I need to focus efforts.”
“Being with peers and being able to discuss in a cross-functional way really helped put a different perspective on things and David [Tomkinson] did a great job in making us think about, and discuss things in a way that really helped us focus on the important areas of leadership and management.”
“FED itself is, in my view, simple (yet subtle), practical and very powerful.”
“Firstly I find the Virgin Trains leadership programme very useful to be able to spend time with my peers in the company, but from other sections. Realising that they face similar challenges as me has been very useful and it has greatly assisted me in being able to talk through common issues. Similarly it is also useful to gain advice and offer it to people in others areas. The beginnings of the support group.”
“The group personnel are all coming into the discussions from different angles, but crucially, all recognise that there are things to be learnt from the leadership development programme and from each other. I was an equal within the group I was not looked at as the least experienced, or youngest etc. (some of my own self limiting thoughts) but as part of the group. What I am trying to say is that the environment created by David and the group was very good.”
“I thought the tone and manner in which David spoke to the group was very good. Certainly a good choice to lead the group.”
“I liked the exercises he did in regard to us being introduced to each other using different topics, different way of doing it and something that I will use myself going forward.”
“I particularly thought the way in which we described the state of our current business life in nautical terms was very clever. The whole group acknowledged that we were able to go into quite a lot of detail, and open up more than we would have done ordinarily, due to this style because we were not naming specific people or teams etc. Going into detail without going into specifics, if that makes sense?!”
“There were occasions to talk and think about times when we have performed well and areas where we need to recognise in our own style areas that we need to improve. Again the commonality across the group was noticeable. The 4 energies model was particularly interesting for me here and something that did certainly point to areas that I needed to work on.”
“Finally I think that the work on a future vision for ourselves/departments is something that needs more work, and will be taken forward in the next two workshops.”
“All in all a very enlightening day for me personally, and something that I am very grateful to have been included in.”
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